Monday, January 25, 2010

privacy protection and the law


-When buying a domain name you have to provide accurate contact information or else your domain registration could be terminated as it would be in violation of the registration agreement.

-Privacy Protection ensures that your private information is not published by replacing all your publicly visible contact details with alternate contact information.


Privacy law is the area of law concerned with the protection and preservation of the privacy rights of individuals. Increasingly, governments and other public as well as private organizations collect vast amounts of personal information about individuals for a variety of purposes. The law of privacy regulates the type of information which may be collected and how this information may be used.

The scope of applicability of privacy laws is called expectation of privacy.

what is privacy?

-An important conclusion flows from this latter observation. That is that government regulation of the private sector in the name of privacy can only create confidentiality or secrecy rules based on the guesses of politicians and bureaucrats. The better way to protect true privacy is to distribute decisions about how personal information is used to the people affected.

what is privacy?

An important conclusion flows from this latter observation. That is that government regulation of the private sector in the name of privacy can only create confidentiality or secrecy rules based on the guesses of politicians and bureaucrats. The better way to protect true privacy is to distribute decisions about how personal information is used to the people affected.

Monday, January 18, 2010

computer criminals and thier objective

- Being partners with the Computer Crime group, Bay City will allow the task force to use 1 sworn police officer on a full-time basis for the next 2 years. The FBI will give the task force an unmarked vehicle, a mobile phone and finance all of the required training and travel expenses for the officer.

-The goal of this operation is to have a well-trained officer working for the Bay City Police who will give the agency the ability to take on computer crimes, according to Cecchini. Computer crimes usually include national security threats, fraud, computer scams and child pornography.

what would you do?

1. steps that I would take to fix the problem:
a. if i know how to fix the problem, i would talk the manager of the company to fix it and so that my budget is decries in 1 million.
b. in 90 days, i work the c0ompany with no salary.
c. double my work.
e. i solicit to my families, friends and etc.
f. i play game like game kana ba, wowowee, singing bee, and etc.


Are IT workers professional? yes or no? why?

--->yes, because this course is in demand of the other country, and there is no course are not professional. Most of IT professional workers is out from the Philippines and go to the other country to work.